Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Apparently Celebs are just like us.

Sitting in the train this evening, minding my own business and reading my book, my eyes were drawn to the person sitting next to me. Not so much to her but to the magazine that she was reading.
It was a celebrity gossip magazine (i never saw the cover and there are so many out these days it would be futile to try to narrow it down) and there was a large heading that stated "celebrities are just like you" and it then showed half a dozen celebrities who were doing normal things such as multi-tasking, getting a cup of tea, getting a manicure and having breakfast with their children.
Honestly, before i read that magazine i thought that celebrities were gods sitting upon Olympus, strumming their harps and deciding mankind's fate against mythical creatures.
Since when have celebrities been put on a pedestal and if so....why?
I admire the work of George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and countless other celebrities who are using their star power to try to make a difference in the world. Whilst some may simply send money to charity organizations these people are putting their careers on hold to try to raise money for those in need.
However, what i don't appreciate is the celebrities that everyone is fascinated in. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton (who seems to be replaced by Kim Kardashian, another young woman who is famous for doing absolutely nothing) are people that have been introduced to fame at such a young age that it has literally destroyed their lives before they turn 25.
Lohan is now apparently broke after spending millions of dollars on shopping and parties and has just gotten out of her second stint in rehab, Spears has lost custody of her kids after refusing to take a drug test, Hilton spent time in jail and despite claims of repent has done nothing to help the poor and Kardashian....honestly i don't even know how she benefits society other then the fact that she released a sex tape and is posing for playboy.
So once again the gossip magazines plague us with the life of people that we shouldn't care about or idolise.

As normal. The Daily Show sums up my entire point of view.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Raffe, enjoyed your remarks, and
the comedy video was a real hoot:
thanks for that.

The subject to me is one of taking
responsibility for one's actions,
rather than attributing how one feels to a mysterious "exhaustion"

Fatigue or exhaustion can pose a diagnostic challenge to doctors,
because the list of possible causes
is long, and includes both serious life-threatening illnesses and other, life-style, factors.

One typo noted: "pedestal"
