Tuesday, September 4, 2007

StopBush campaign

Tomorrow I will be making my way to work and shall be passing through all major rings of APEC security. I work in Phillip St, which technically has been cordoned off by the police and army but hopefully i'm going to make it through. There are several reasons that security is paramount, first of all to safeguard the leaders from a terrorist attack which is all the more real since there are several rocket launchers missing from the army. Secondly from radical socialists intent on disrupting the meetings. Good luck. This is a more extensive and expensive operations than the Sydney Olympics. The most prominent protesters tomorrow are going to be the "stopbush coalition" who's aim is to bring awareness to the criminal that is George Bush. First of all, I doubt George Bush is going to even hear the shouts of the protesters and second of all there's a good chance that it could get violent as other protests have in the past. In that case innocent people will be hurt and the protesters, who ironically protest because of innocent people being hurt, will have much to answer to.
Stay tuned for my reports throughout tomorrow of what APEC security is like :)

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