Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well, once again, a crazy person has addressed the United Nations. Last year it was Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, today it was Mahmoud Ahmidinejad. He made claimed that the Iranian nuclear program was peaceful whilst at the same time stating that 'calamities will befall the world...of those that did not submit to the will of God' and that American and Europe will soon be free from Zionist oppression. Wow...this sounds like the kind of tough talk from someone that wants a nuclear weapon.
This small, petty dictator has led his country down a dangerous path. There's every chance that America or Israel will launch an attack against Iranian facilities because saber rattling with Israel is just not an action that is supported by your life insurance contract.
Countries of the world must be united in stopping an nuclear Iran. Help stop the bloodshed by stopping Iran.

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