Sunday, November 25, 2007

A new government

Australia has a new government.
Whilst i expected this it's still quite a surreal feeling that after 11 years of conservative rule we've thrown out the old guard and brought in 'new leadership'. Kevin Rudd, our new PM, has been leader of his party for the last 50 weeks and based his campaign on a re-energized party who was ready to take the reins from a stale, old PM who was past his use by date.
It was an amazing campaign to watch unfold and the government did their best to try and strike them down. For weeks it showed Labor ahead of the government but in the final weeks it seemed that the government was closing in. If you had asked me what the results would be on Friday night i would have avoided the question. As a member of the Labor party i'm happy to see a new government and as a lover of democracy i'm also happy to see that Labor has not full control of both the Lower House and the Senate, which is an oversight body for the States. We can't have a democracy when a single party has control of the states, lower and upper houses.
It seems that Peter Costello, former Treasurer and deputy leader of the Liberal party, will not be seeking the party leadership. He wants to continue his time as a normal MP.
Looks like it's between Malcolm Turnbull, Brendan Nelson and Alexander Downer.

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